Prepare for your AP Exam with a tutor from Curvebreakers!
This service is a test preparation service for students preparing for the AP exam and is available March - June. Curvebreakers can help students with their AP courses throughout the school year. See GPA Support for more information.
The following packages are available with associate and pro tutors:
Students with tutoring packages of 5-hours or more are entitled to unlimited FREE practice AP exams. Additional hours may be added at your package rate.
Special note about Pro AP Packages: Due to high demand of our Pro Tutors, please call the office at (516) 728-1561 to check for our their next available openings. Online availability does not reflect actual availability.
About Our Tutors
Tutors must be able to achieve 99th-percentile scores on the exams but also be able to effectively communicate and engage students.
Please note: All tutors have passed a background check for your student's safety.
Have Questions?
Please do not hesitate to call the office and speak with an informed staff member or schedule a consultation with the owner, Nicholas LaPoma, who will answer all your questions. If you're just getting started, we recommend all students start by taking full-length diagnostic practice exams to determine which exam to focus on and to benchmark their starting point.